Wilson's Walks
River Welland
Start: Casey’s Corner, Deeping St James
Finish: Loop Back
Time to Travel: Approx 5-10 mins
Length: Various
Time of walk: Various

It’s been one of those days the human family are happy because the sun is out! Me I’d rather be in the shade and having a snooze. To my surprise my ears go on alert as I hear Mum getting the car keys and my harness and lead. It must be my next adventure, just at a different time of the day.
Looking for a quiet and cooling evening walk, Mum took a short drive up to Casey’s Corner along Eastgate in Deeping St James.
Out of the car an on the lead we headed down a tarmac road way leading under the railway bridge and onto the bank of the River Welland.
There were no other paws or waggy tails around. Mum unclipped my lead and off I went for a sniff around. I popped back to Mum to find she had a ball for me to play with so we played throw and catch for a few minutes. I think it’s entertaining for the humans as I was sniffing in overload!
We turned the corner and walked up past the Nature Reserve. I’m not allowed in here, but I hear it’s a lovely place for humans to visit!
Along this stretch the light of the river and the high banks can feel you’ve just got this all to yourself. It’s great for me and I think human’s love this walk too.
It’s a very peaceful walk and lots of benches to stop at and admire the lovely views of the nature reserve and the River Welland.
For this walk you can also start from the Nature Reserve car park and walk from there. Alternatively park at Low Locks, further in Eastgate, and walk to the other side of the river bank via Scout Island.
I’ve loved playing ball with Mum and walking on my long line lead so I can still explore. My legs are stretched and my sniffer is happy. Now just for Mum to get me home for my tea please.
Dog Friendly Cafe/ Pub:
Waterton Arms, 68 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Off Lead:
Check before Off Lead
In Wilson’s Bag:
Throw Ball, Water Bottle, Treats, Poop Bags
Poop Bins: Bag and Bin.
Birds and small animals, Cows, Sheep, Swans
Paw Rating: 4 out of 5
Sniff Rating: 5 out of 5
Overall Woof Rating: 5 out of 5