Powair Tropical Breeze Liquid 464ml


PowAir Liquid is an environmentally friendly, natural home fragrance that?s designed to quickly and effectively eliminate virtually any type of odour from any indoor environment. The household odour eliminator works by breaking down the molecules in the air that are causing the smell. It binds to those molecules in a way that is non-toxic and pet friendly, making them less pungent and more tolerable for humans. The perfect smell removal agent to use in your home, office & workplace.

The liquid can help to remove odours from carpets, upholstery, furniture, bedding, and other fabrics. Due to its versatile usage, you can also use the product to remove smells from hard surfaces such as countertops, floors, and walls. By using this product regularly it can help to keep those pesky odours at bay and improve the air quality in your home or workplace.Using PowAir Liquid is simple. First, shake the bottle vigorously before use. Then, pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spritz into the atmosphere of your chosen environment. Within minutes you will notice a difference in odour intensity. This natural home fragrance is designed to remove odours without leaving any lingering residue, so there?s no need to wipe it away or wash it off the surfaces.

This liquid is extremely versatile. This includes being eligible for use as a mist diffuser refill liquid in conjunction with automated dispensers. In particular our PowAir pet safe diffuser range. Choose from our Harmony Mist Diffuser, AutoMist Odour Neutraliser or our original Misting Dome. Our mist diffuser liquid is ready to use right out of the bottle, however if you ?nd the scent is too strong, we recommend adding water to the solution at a measure of 50% water and 50% liquid. Whether you are looking for a pet smell removal solution or simply in need of freshening up the air of your living space, our odour removal liquid is the perfect solution.

Availability: 9 in stock

This Product is available to buy in store only

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