Little One Dwarf Hamster Food 400g


Complete feed, which is balanced in accordance with the individual nutritional needs of dwarf hamsters and covers all requirements for nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of your pet. Ingredients
white millet
yellow millet
white sorghum
multigrain pellets
canary seed
red millet
meadow grass seeds
safflower seed
Japanese millet
pea flakes
barley flakes
yellow panicum
barley puffed
sunflower seeds
milk thistle seeds
dried zucchini
Niger seed
healthy seeds
sesame seed
hemp seed
yucca extract
It has an extra varied composition and doesn’t contain sweet ingredients to prevent diabetes. The feed does not contain any sharp ingredients and consists of suitably small particle sizes.

Availability: 7 in stock

This Product is available to buy in store only

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