

Fleas are the bane of an animal owner’s life if they can’t get rid of them, and they spread into bedding and carpets.

They are small brown flightless insects that feed on the blood of mammals and can cause a multitude of issues including flea allergy dermatitis and the spread of disease. Their eggs are tiny, white and shiny.

They also act as an intermediate host for some types of tapeworm. Cats and dogs can ingest infected fleas during grooming and become infested with tapeworms.

Fleas love the warmth and thrive not just in the summer, as central heating ensures perfect conditions in a house all year round.

They can jump 160 times their body length so spread rapidly from animal to animal.


  • Constant itching
  • Hair loss
  • Over-grooming
  • Changes in behaviour
  • Visible fleas
  • Flea dirt (small, black, grit-like)
  • Anaemia

Check an animal by fleas either by using a flea comb and looking for fleas, or by combing through with a flea comb over some wet white paper. This way you will see if dirt, fleas or grit fall onto the paper.

There are a number of products on sale to control the spread of fleas. These include flea collars, spot-on, tablet, spray or power.

The most important thing to remember here is to use a licenced veterinary medicine product and to repeat the treatment as directed.

To treat your home you will need a fast-acting insecticide to kill adult fleas plus and Insect Growth Regulator which will stop flea eggs and larvae from developing.

We have products that include all of the above and can treat your animal and home effectively.

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