All puppies are born with natural instincts i.e. suckling from their mother, pack behaviour, scent marking, hunting and survival.
The part of the brain responsible for this is the hypothalamus which is part of the limbic system. If the dog feels threatened or frightened it triggers the ‘fight or flight’ response.
This is not learned behaviour but is a natural instinct and is displayed through aggressive behaviour, or by running away and hiding.
As dog owners we are seen to be the pack leader and need to be a strong leader. This can backfire if we ourselves are stressed or anxious.
Because dogs are extremely intuitive they can easily pick up on stress and anxiety within the home. In the wild this would be a key to survival, but in the home environment, ideally we would remove causes of stress to the dogs, to keep them calm.
Of course we can’t help fireworks being let off outside, thunderstorms, or taking the dog to the vets but we can offer our dog a safe quiet space if we’re having a party, or fireworks of our own.
- Panting
- Restlessness
- Excessive licking or scratching
- Constant barking
- Aggression
- Destructive behaviour
- Hiding